Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mrs. Hashimoto is Terror

Today Mrs. Hashimoto work in store.  Mrs. Hashimoto no like to work in store.  Makes nails of finger break and makes Mrs. Hashimoto mad like bull who likes cow.  She in mood of terror all day long.  "Donny!" shout Mrs. Hashimoto "Donny bring me coffee. Donny bring me phone.  Donny give me Pocky."

Mrs. Hashimoto like Pocky.  Donny believe Mrs. Hashimoto also eat babies. 

Sonny and Takimi also work in store.  Work hard, make not much money.  Sonny handsome with smile. Takimi is having face like back of camel.  Both nice boys.

Mrs. Hashimoto like Sonny. Sonny has mother from Japan, father from America.  Sonny young and muscles of god.  Mrs. Hashimoto make noise like cat after Sonny walk by.  She rub head of Sonny and kiss cheek of Sonny.  No like Takimi.  Mrs. Hashimoto yells at Takimi and at Donny Ono.  We no pretty like Sonny .

Mrs. Hashimoto angry because she like Sonny and Sonny like Takimi.  Sonny is liking bratwurst and not clam.

Donny hide.


Anonymous said...

Hey Donny, Tony sent me over to say hi. Don't listen to him, your English is awesome. Maybe Mrs Hashimoto wants to make sweet love with you? Maybe that is why she is so mean?

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